I enjoy the essays of Dafoe, Addison, and Samuel
Johnson, all of which were published in pamphlets. Pamphlets were in vogue from 1650-1800, providing writers a forum to express views on politics, society, religion, and art. This has been revived in modern times in the form of blogs.

This is now a slight revamp of my blog that started in 2008.
My reading has become a little more specialized, although previous books commented on show I was heading this direction. At this point I will review mainly Christian texts or other texts from a Christian perspective. I intend to post more regularly with book reviews.

I consider reading and writing as part of the spiritual
journey toward maturity and, I hope, wisdom. These are postings of what I’m learning along the way.

Rod Zinkel, August 19, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Theory of Intelligent Design

The movie The Privileged Planet is based on the book by the same name, by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards, published in 2004. Gonzalez, an astrophysicist who worked at Iowa State University at the time, and Jay Richards, philosopher from Biola University, refute the popularly held Principle of Mediocrity, which is that earth is a mediocre planet, with nothing exceptional about it.

There are at least twenty different properties considered essential for complex life, such as water, gravity, atmosphere, etc. Several of these properties about earth, and how exceptional they are, are described in the film. For instance, If the earth was 5% closer or further from the sun water would not exist in liquid form. Water absorbs heat from the sun, regulating the temperature of the planet’s surface. The earth’s crust is just thick enough to allow for tectonic plate movement, required to regulate the earth’s inner temperature. The earth’s interior liquid iron creates a magnetic field that protects it from solar winds. The moon’s large size stabilizes the planet’s axis, and makes for mild climate changes. The atmosphere is a combination of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide that sustains complex life. There is only a very small portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum that is useful for such process as photosynthesis, the rest being useless or deadly.

The earth’s position in the solar system, as well as in the galaxy, is convenient. Closer to the Milky Way’s center poses more dangers from supernovas, additional radiation, and a black hole at the center of the galaxy. Closer to the edge the elements of the earth, such as iron, magnesium, and silicon, are rare.

Gonzalez and Richards also look at the exceptional place given to humans to study these wonders. Because humans have the capacity, desire, and ability to observe space, without obstacles like the dust of a location closer to the galaxy’s core, and with the ability to note the differences between those stars within the galaxy and those without, humans inhabit a perfect place. The two authors illustrate our exceptional observational location by total lunar eclipses and note the size of the moon in comparison to the distance of the sun so as to have total eclipses, which led to discoveries such as the sun’s chromosphere, and from that helium. Also stars observed only when the sun was in eclipse proved Einstein’s theory of relativity as it was shown that the sun bent light.

The movie proposes Intelligent Design by observing the complexities required for life and the rarity of this taking place in our known universe. Gonzalez makes the statement, “There’s something about the universe that can’t be simply explained by just the impersonal forces of nature and atoms colliding with atoms.”

If you would like to see the hour-long film, it is on Google video:

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Chapbook: Two Natures

The Neville Museum series has published a chapbook of 15 of my poems. They are of human and spiritual natures. Here are two poems from the book:

Two Natures

On still water of the pond
two natures you may notice--
where scum has been gathering,
there also grows the lotus.

One Way

There's a boy
who stands knee-high
to a July cornstalk.
He stares one way
down the dirt road
his mother has gone.
He find Fortune
has desrted him,
like the poverty-stricken,
society-forbidden parent.
"I can't take care of you," she said.
I am the child who mirrors
his mother's tears without knowing why?